Sunday, February 15, 2009

Client Project

I really liked a lot of the ideas we came up with in class. I think one of my favorite ideas was Kristen's idea about the cook book. I think that would be a very effective away of reaching the Clemson community and giving students ideas about they area able to prepare healthy meals. I personally do not have much experience with cooking so a cook book would come in handy for me me personally. Having a youtube video that went along with some of the directions would also help those who may need to see it being made instead of just reading it.

An idea that I have other than the cook book would be a weekend tournament. Have the student body create teams to go and participate in either a single sport tournament or do something like the Olympics and have multiple sports. If we did the Olympic sports idea we could have the teams select members off their team to compete in the event (have the number of events a person can particpate in be limited).

I do not have any concerns about my group. I think that I am in a very good group and we will come up with some really good ideas. The only question I really have about the project is if each group is going to do an event or if each group comes up with ideas and the class does something. From the way the client meeting went and the way class discussion is going it sounds like it would be a class project, but my understanding of the project was that each group would come up with something.

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